
After successfully obtaining my journeyman’s certificate in 2014 at the traditional violin making school in Klingenthal, I gained my first experience in violin and double bass making in Markneukirchen. From 2015 to 2017, I was able to deepen this knowledge in renowned violin making workshops in the cultural city of Leipzig. Afterwards, several collaborations and work experiences with internationally high-ranking ateliers from the south to the north of France, including with Yair Hod Fainas in Paris, allowed me to expand my knowledge of the world of violin making, before I was able to perfect my skills and knowledge to a world level in upscale instrument restoration at Alexandre Snitkovsky’s atelier in Lyon. In 2021, under the eyes of professionally outstanding colleagues, I successfully passed my examination for the title of master craftsman in Hallstatt, Upper Austria, and since then I have been welcoming you on an international level in search of the tonal, esthetic and playable perfection of your instrument.